
5 Ways To Easily and Totally Spoil Your Bridesmaids!

1. Tag’Em

Obv, your babes are on social. So start combing back through your photos and pick out your favourite memories. Share and tag them on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Tumblr – inside jokes included. Taking the extra effort to let the world know how much you mean to them is an easy way to make their hearts flutter!

2. Pick a special way they can support you in wedding planning

Don’t leave all the planning to your Maid of Honour, instead delegate some of the planning to your entire crew. Have your foodie bridesmaid help with picking the menu and designing custom cocktails, and your party-planning bridesmaid plan your shower. Ask your dance inspired bridesmaid to help teach you and your babe how to dance and ask your laid back bridesmaids to help you unwind. Giving each bridesmaid their own special task allows you extra one-on-one bonding time!

3. Put the spotlight on them

During your wedding reception, there’s a good chance your Emcee will do specific introductions of each of your bridesmaids. So go beyond the standard nicknames and how you met – list off some reasons why they are so special to you, and memories you’ve made with them that are unforgettable. Basically – bring a tear to their eye!!

4. Swag Bags 

Instead of an elaborate gift, why not swag out your girls? Pick small, hilarious and sentimental items that will take them back to times and places with you. A postcard from your overseas adventure, your a photo of your favourite spot to study together in university, or a DVD (yes, a DVD!!) of that one movie that just made you die with laughter. 

5. A New School Mixtape

Otherwise known as a playlist – but seriously, this is such a fun idea! Pick some of your favourite songs that bring back special memories throughout your friendship. That song from that road trip, that song from that summer, that song you karaoke’d – a sweet mixtape is the perfect trip down memory lane, and reminds your bridesmaids why you love them so darn much.